Join Australian Bookkeepers Association!

Membership is just $77 per annum.

It's the association with you in mind, run BY Australian Bookkeepers FOR Australian Bookkeepers.

Australian Bookkeepers Association gives bookkeepers a voice, and presents their needs and concerns to the relevant government and industry forums. ABA stands for excellence, expertise and integrity in the profession of bookkeeping.

Congratulations on making the decision to join Australian Bookkeepers Association!

Step 1 - Enter Your Details
Agent Number: {{ errors.agentNumber }}

I am a (please tick all the relevant fields for you) *

{{ errors.relevantFields }}
Do you hold a Certificate IV Financial Services (Bookkeeping) or a Certificate IV Financial Services (Accounting) or a higher qualification in these fields?
{{ errors.qualification }}

Upload your certificate below.

{{ errors.qualificationKey }}
Do you hold a current professional indemnity insurance policy?
{{ errors.insurancePolicy }}
Are you currently operating your own bookkeeping business?
{{ errors.businessOwner }}
Have you completed 20 hours or more of continuing professional education (CPE) within the past 12 months?
{{ errors.completedCPE }}
Have you ever engaged in conduct that resulted, or was likely to result in, you having membership refused, suspended or cancelled by a BAS or tax agent association?
{{ errors.membershipRefusal }}
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