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November start for new Agent-Client Linking process

Starting from 13 November 2023 the process of client-agent linking is changing, with Director of the Australian Bookkeepers Network (ABN), Peter Thorp, explaining the implications for BAS agents could be significant.

The changes which are striving to elevate the security of interactions with the ATO, come in the wake of recent data breaches in Australia that have highlighted the urgency to safeguard Australians from identity-related theft.

Peter Thorp, says the intention behind the changes to the client-agent linking process has its value, given the need for stronger cyber security.

 "The intention is a good one as it strengthens security and minimises the opportunity for fraud,” said Peter. "The purpose of this initiative is to limit the chance of fraud on clients through a BAS and Tax Agent's Online Services for Agents (OSfA). Security should always be a top priority."

But what is actually happening?

Clients engaging a new Tax or BAS Agent or extending authorisation to their existing agent use the new agent nomination feature in Online Services for Business. This nomination initiates the linking process, ensuring a secure client-agent relationship.

It’s crucial for both parties to thoroughly comprehend this process, especially as new clients will likely have queries about the six steps involved:

  1. Set up your Digital Identity (myGovID)
  2. Link your myGovID to your ABN
  3. Authorise others to act on your behalf
  4. Log in to Online services for business
  5. Nominate your authorised agent in Online services for business
  6. Let your agent know you have nominated them

But, what are the downsides?

With changes comes inevitable drawbacks, and Thorp expressed concerns, "This move effectively forces small businesses into a digital relationship with the ATO. While it's a step towards modernisation, many may not readily embrace it, especially those who have traditionally relied on their BAS and Tax Agents for such interactions."

"The process, although beneficial, is cumbersome,” continued Peter. “Small businesses, in particular, may face challenges navigating the system, potentially leading to an increase in red tape.”

Peter also specified that the necessity for clients to actively engage in this process raises concerns.

"BAS and Tax Agents cannot complete this process on behalf of their clients. This just shows the need for clients to actively participate in the security measures," said Peter.

Small businesses, already grappling with various operational aspects, may find this additional responsibility burdensome.

However, Peter advocates for a balanced approach.

"While enhancing security is essential, we should remain vigilant about potential negative by-products. Striking the right balance between security and usability is crucial to prevent unintended obstacles for businesses."

So how can you streamline the process?

It’s important to note the significance of timeliness in this process, as it can impact how seamless the process can be - with the ATO emphasising this importance. Delays in linking can impede an agent’s ability to act on behalf of new clients and access online services efficiently.

As a result, agents are urged to remind their clients to promptly notify them upon completing the agent nomination, as there's no automated notification.

Where to from here?

As this process broadens to include a wider spectrum of businesses, it's essential for agents to familiarise themselves with the intricacies to ensure a smooth transition for both existing and new clients,” said Peter.

“Time will tell if the implementation of this new process will help streamline interactions between agents and their clients, as well as fortify security.

“Whilst there may be challenges as the industry adapts Agent Linking and the system is tweaked, we’re hopeful the long-term benefits of a more secure system will outweigh the initial hurdles.

“As we progress towards this change, collaboration between stakeholders and a proactive approach to addressing concerns will be pivotal in ensuring a successful transition” said Peter.

16 Oct 2023
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