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ABN ups cybercrime focus in new partnership with Harvey Norman

New ABN partnership with Harvey Norman's Technology for Business offers relief to bookkeepers in wake of cybercrime research revealing substandard small business governance.

Prompted by another dire warning of cybercrime affecting small business in new federal government research, the Australian Bookkeepers Network (ABN) has partnered with national digital security experts, the Technology for Business arm of Harvey Norman.

The partnership will see Harvey Norman provide regular training, advice and offers to ABN members to assist them and their clients with the ever-changing cyber security landscape.

Harvey Norman Technology for Business Director, Rutland Smith, calls for a fresh look at small business cyber security, following the release of the Cyber Wardens Small Business Cyber Safety Culture Research Report.

The report recognised major concerns that small businesses are not dealing with even the most basic of measures to protect their data. The report finds that less than 50% of small businesses are now using multi factor authentication, only one in two small businesses are backing up daily and close to 70% are still using passwords rather than passphrases.

“There’s this fallacy that if you’re small you’re safe,” said Rutland. “Unfortunately, that’s not true with this report confirming that 43% of attacks are on small businesses because most small businesses have low defences.

“In our business division of Harvey Norman, we have approximately 200 customer service staff and computer engineers across the country who are seeing ever more sophisticated attacks,” said Rutland. “Just one example is a small WA welding firm that was attacked twice in one week to infiltrate their supply chain to get access to the oil rigs their team worked on.

“Another car sales client had a criminal sit dormant watching the company’s emails for months,” continued Rutland. “Then in one hit during the busiest sales period the criminals sent their own invoices to the clients and secured over $300,000 in car sales deposits. The car sales firm chose to cop the loss to protect their reputation.

Recognising the added compliance burden on the accounting and bookkeeping industry to protect client data, the ABN has partnered with the Harvey Norman for Business division to offer ABN members regular training, advice and offers starting with a free upfront audit of their security practices valued at $499.

“We've built an IT department similar to a large organisation and made it available to small businesses across Australia at a very low price,” said Rutland. “We take care of everything from setting up the security protocols, installing the appropriate security tools and technology, restricting admin responsibilities, running the help desk, monitoring security 24/7 and more,” said Rutland.

“Bookkeepers are under particular scrutiny to protect such sensitive client data,” continued Rutland. “These are issues that must be addressed properly, and I’m pleased we can offer this initial audit, so ABN members get more confidence on how to do so.”

To access this ABN Member offer Harvey Norman, Technology for Business, visit the ABN Member portal or click here.

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